Sustainability in raw material extraction
Latest Update: November 2023
This entails a responsibility to promote the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources in a manner that is environmentally and socially responsible. The German government has therefore set itself the goal of reducing the consumption of primary raw materials and closing material cycles. To achieve these goals, the circular economy will be significantly strengthened as a pillar of the natural resources strategy and a national circular economy strategy will be developed by early 2024. Both strategies should be closely interlinked (see The circular economy, in particular recycling).
The section on Managing human intervention in nature and landscape explains the legal framework in Germany with regard to human interventions in nature and landscape. It also contains information on compensatory measures and payments, provisions and implementation securities from extractive companies for the restoration/rehabilitation of former mining areas and water abstraction fees.
Environmental Protection, Renaturation, Recultivation additionally describes for the various extractive sectors which aspects are important for the rehabilitation of former mining regions and areas in Germany and which legal principles apply in this respect.
The section on Employment and Social Affairs covers the area of employment and the legal provisions for the social protection of employees in the extractive industries in Germany. The diversity and equal opportunities section focuses on gender equality. The importance of co-determination and cooperation between employee representatives and employers as part of the German social partnership is discussed. Information is also provided on measures to mitigate the loss of jobs resulting from the end of the extraction and use of fossil fuels for electricity generation.
The “Corporate responsibility” section includes references to areas such as private sector initiatives for greater sustainability and appropriate collaborative agreements with civil society. In addition, the current legal situation regarding sustainability reporting is presented.
The circular economy, in particular recycling examines the status of Germany’s efforts to use resources efficiently and economically. As Germany is highly dependent on imports of natural resources, this is an area with great potential for innovation.
1 Federal Government (2021): German Sustainability Strategy. Update 2021. URL: 1875176/3d3b15cd92d0261e7a0bcdc8f43b7839/deutsche-nachhaltigkeitsstrategie-2021-langfassung-download-bpa-data.pdf Page 15 (Accessed on 11 September 2023).
2Ibid p. 14 et seq.
3Ibid p. 225
4German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2021). Sector Programme Extractives and Development: Agenda 2030 –Sustainable Development Goals. URL: (Accessed on 25 November 2021).
5Federal Government (2020): Rohstoffstrategie der Bundesregierung. Sicherung einer nachhaltigen Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands mit nichtenergetischen mineralischen Rohstoffen (The Federal Government’s natural resources strategy. Securing a sustainable supply of non-energy mineral raw materials for Germany). URL: blob=publicationFile&v=4 (Accessed on 11 September 2023).
6German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2023) Eckpunktepapier Wege zu einer nachhaltigen und resilienten Rohstoffversorgung (Key issues: Pathways to a sustainable and resilient resource supply) URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).