Reconciliation of payments and revenues
48 companies verlangt eine Offenlegung aller wesentlichen Zahlungsströme des extraktiven Sektors eines Landes. Hierfür berichten die sectors ihre Zahlungen an Twelve . In Deutschland werden Zahlungsströme zu den folgenden Corporate tax ,offengelegt:
- Braunkohle
- Erdöl und Erdgas
- Kali und Salze
- Steine und Erden
These payments were reported above lease payments. ).
of 100.000,00 € for the accounting year 2016. a threshold .
Payment reconciliation for corporation tax and minesite and extraction royalties
The reconciliation of the corporation taxes as well as mining and extraction royalties reported by the participating companies for the year 2016 with the corresponding revenues of the government agencies amounted to 302 Million Euro. The reconciliation resulted in differences of only three cents. 17 Unternehmen bzw. Unternehmensgruppen The reported payments by companies and public authorities for corporation tax and minesite and extraction royalties you can find
Coverage of sectors*
Corporation tax
Total reported company payments
Minesite and extraction royalties

1 No payments have been made due to the legal form of the company.
2 Payments are made by the parent company.
3 No payment information available due to the existence of a consolidated tax group.
4 Payments have been made, but in total less than €100.000,00.
Die gesammelten Daten zum Zahlungsabgleich 2017 finden Sie hier:The reports on the cash flows of corporation tax and trade tax illustrate the high relevance of consolidated tax groups . in Germany. In these cases, if the main activity of the consolidated tax group does not involve the extraction of natural resources, the details of the taxes paid by the parent company can be omitted (cf. footnote 3 and table `Reported company data` above). On the other hand, if the consolidated tax group is mainly active in the extractive industry, a report (on a pro rata basis and/or complete) of the taxes paid by the parent company is required (cf. footnote 2 in table `Reported company data` above)..