Quarried natural resources
Latest Update: September 2023
Quarried natural resources
Interesting facts about quarried natural resources
Economic Importance
Other natural resources:
Industrial minerals
Economic Importance
Iron ore
1Federal Statistical Office (2023): Query export and import (foreign trade): Germany, years, commodity classification, GP2019 (4-digit). URL: https://www-genesis.destatis.de/genesis/online?operation=statistic&levelindex=0&levelid=1690546375737&code=51000#abreadcrumb (Accessed on 28 July 2023).
2[BA 2020] (Statistics of the coal industry), for a detailed source reference, see final note i.
3Elsner, H. (2022): Sand and gravel in Germany – Volume I: Fundamentals. 93 p., Hanover. URL: https://www.bgr.bund.de/DE/Themen/Min_rohstoffe/Downloads/studie_sand_und_kies_Band_I_2022.pdf?__blob=publicationFile (Accessed on 11 September 2023).
4Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V. (German Building Materials Association – Quarried natural resources) (2022) Report on the “Demand for primary and secondary raw materials in the non-metallic minerals industry up to 2040 in Germany”. URL: https://www.baustoffindustrie.de/fileadmin/user_upload/bbs/Bilder/Aktuelles/2022-04-20_BBS_Rohstoffstudie_01_ONLINE.pdf (Accessed on 11 September 2023).
5Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V. (German Building Materials Association – Quarried natural resources) (2023): Annual Report 2023. URL: https://www.baustoffindustrie.de/gb/konjunktur-rohstoffe (Accessed on 11 September 2023).
6Data for 2021 are provisional, DESTATIS revision status 07/2022 for iron ore imports (2020 33.5 million tonnes according to current data).