The circular ecenomy, in particular recycling
Latest Update: September 2023
Legal base
With the current re-adoption of the packaging law,2 which primarily came into force on 3 July 2021, further regulations were applied in addition to the existing system of extended manufacturer responsibility that already existed in relation to packaging. For instance, since 1 January 2023 the final distributor must offer multi-use packaging alternatives when placing on the market single-use food packaging and single-use beverage cups. In addition, a mandatory minimum proportion of recycled material was introduced for certain single-use plastic drink bottles on 1 January.
As part of the implementation of the amendment to Directive (EU) 2019/904 (EU Single-Use Plastics Directive), the marketing of certain single-use plastic products (e.g. cutlery, plates, plastic straws and to-go packaging and cups made of expanded polystyrene) was initially prohibited by the Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Ordinance (EWKVerbotV).3 The aim of the prohibitions is to help to manage plastics more sustainably along the value chain, to reduce throwing away waste carelessly and to combat pollution in the sea.
Waste volume and waste recovery
Examples of recycling and usage rates 9
- Paper/paperboard/cardboard, which is mainly collected separately, achieves a recycling rate of almost 100%.17 The usage rate of recovered paper was 79% in 2021.18 Recycling saves primary natural resources such as wood, kaolin and lime, as well as water and energy. However, paper is not infinitely recyclable, since the fibres become progressively shorter during recycling and fresh fibers have to be added again.
- In the case of glass packaging collection, the recycling rate also amounts to almost 100%.19 Today, every glass packaging unit consists of up to 60% recycled glass, and for green glass the usage rate is as high as 95%.20 The recovery of the glass reduces the demand for the primary natural resource which is quartz sand.
- In 2021, a total of 65.5% of the packaging plastics collected via the dual systems were mechanically recovered (recycled). In total, around 5.9 million tonnes of used packaging from private final consumption was recycled in 2021. This represents an increase of around 3% compared to the previous year.21 Around 35% of the total plastic waste generated (1.96 out of 5.67 million tonnes) was recycled in 2021, 64% of plastic waste was recycled for energy purposes and 0.4% was recycled as natural resources or chemically.22 The recycling rates for 2021, some of which differ significantly from previous years, are due to the change in data collection based on EU Implementing Decision 2019/665 in the packaging sector.23
- In 2021 the recycling rate for old electric devices was 84.5% and the utilisation rate was almost 98%. However, only just under 39% of the average amount of old electric devices placed on the market in the previous three years were actually collected in 2021 24. In order to increase this quantity and to achieve the collection rate of 65 % set by the EU from 2019 25, the Federal Government amended the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act in 2021 to extend the existing obligation of retailers of electrical equipment to include the large discounters, supermarkets and other grocery retailers with a shop area of 800 m² or more. As a result, the collection network is going to be expanded, enabling consumers to dispose of old electrical and electronic equipment more easily and separate them from unsorted municipal waste at an early stage. However, these measures will probably only have a noticeable effect in the next few years.
In the building sector, around 90% of the non-hazardous mineral construction and demolition waste generated is recycled. The processing of mineral building waste enabled the manufacture of 76.9 million tonnes of recycled building materials in 2020. Of these 50.3% were used in road construction, 23% in earthworks, 7.2% in other applications (mainly landfill construction) and 19.5% as aggregates in asphalt and concrete production.26
Future Challenges/Outlook
- Promoting recycling-friendly product design,
- Creating clear guidelines and framework conditions,
- Establishing the circular economy more firmly as an overarching topic in legislation as a whole,
- Making greater use of the potential of digitalisation (e.g. in collection, recording, sorting).
1 DNR: Glossary. URL: (Accessed on 4 July 2024).
2 Law on implementing the requirements of the Single-Use Plastics Directive and the Waste Framework Directive in the packaging and other laws dated 9 June 2021.
3 Ordinance prohibiting the placing on the market of certain single-use plastic products and products made from oxo-degradable plastic (EWKVerbotV) dated 20 January 2021.
4 Ordinance on requirements to include mineral substitute building materials in technical structures (ErsatzbaustoffV) dated 9 July 2021.
5 For the purposes of this Act, material recovery shall mean any recovery operation other than energy recovery and processing into materials intended for use as fuel or other means of energy production. Material recovery includes, in particular, preparation for reuse, recycling and backfilling (§3 (23a) KrWG). Energy-related recovery, on the other hand, means the preparation of waste for thermal recovery by means of incineration. However, a portion of the waste is also incinerated to dispose of it.
6 Destatis (2023): Waste Balance 2021. URL: (Accessed on 17 July 2023).
7 Destatis (2023): Waste Balance 2021.
8 Federal Association of the German Waste Disposal, Water and natural resources Industry (BDE) (2024): Status report of the German recycling industry 2024 (Statusbericht der deutschen Kreislaufwirtschaft 2024). URL: (Accesssed on 13 February 2024).
9 The recycling rate (calculated on the basis of the weight of waste sent to recycling facilities) differs from the usage rate (which is the percentage of materials actually recycled and their actual use in production).
10 Trade association for scrap, e-scrap and vehicle recycling (bvse) (2022): Recycling News. URL: recycling/nachrichten-schrott-eschrott-kfz/8234-weissblechverpackungen-aus-privatem-endverbrauch-zu-91-4-prozent-stofflich-recycelt.html (Accessed on 17 July 2023).
11 Federal Association for Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Disposal (Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung) (2023) Press release entitled “Schrottverbrauch der Stahlwerke in 2022 um 10% gesunken” ( Steelworks’ scrap consumption fell by 10% in 2022). URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
12 Metal Trade Association (Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle) (2020): Metal Statistics 2020. URL: el%5Bfile%5D=e4ce262942322d1d9c622a02d74ca25da153e069&tx_artikel_feartikel%5Bsrc%5D=7990&tx_artikel_feartikel%5Baction%5D=download& (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
13 Aluminium Germany e.V.: Sustainability and recycling. URL: (Accessed on 4 Januar 2024).
14 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) (2022): Natural Resources Situation 2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
15 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) (2022): Natural Resources Situation 2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
16 Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) (2022): Natural Resources Situation 2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
17 Destatis (2023): Waste Balance 2021.
18 Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung (Federal Association for Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Disposal) (2023) Opportunities and limits of waste paper recycling. URL:,Es%20gibt%20jedoch%20Grenzen (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
19 Destatis (2023): Waste Balance 2021.
20 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (2020): Energy transition in industry. Potential and interactions with the energy sector. Glass industry fact sheet. URL: blob=publicationFile&v=4 (Accessed on 9 December 2022).
21 Central Packaging Register Foundation (Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister): Packaging recycling volumes for private final consumption 2018-2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
22 BKV (2022) Material flow diagram for plastics in Germany 2021: facts and figures on the life cycle of plastics, p.32. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
23 BKV (2022) Material flow diagram for plastics in Germany 2021: facts and figures on the life cycle of plastics, p.32. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
24 The Federal Environment and Consumer Protection Ministry (2023) Reporting obligation pursuant to Art. 16 (4) of Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment. URL: (Accessed on 14 February 2024).
Destatis (2023). Waste electrical and electronic equipment accepted for primary treatment in 2021. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
25 German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (2022): Collection and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment: Three key figures count. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
26Association of the German building materials industry, the construction industry and the waste management industry (Verbund der deutschen Baustoffindustrie, der Bauwirtschaft und der Entsorgungswirtschaft) (2023). Circular economy in construction. URL (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
27 German Building Materials Association – Quarried natural resources (2016): Study “The demand for primary and secondary natural resources of the quarried natural resources industry until 2035 in Germany” URL: (Accessed on 14 July 2024).
28 The status report on the circular economy is published every two years and also includes the upstream and downstream value creation stages of technology and trade in the statistics on the circular economy. URL: (Accessed on 7 Februar 2024).
29 Turnover figures: Destatis: Statistisches Unternehmensregister. Rechtliche Einheiten nach Wirtschaftsgruppen und Größenklassen des Umsatzes im Berichtsjahr 2021 (Wirtschaftsgruppen 38.1; 38.2; 38.3; 39.0)
Employment figures: Bundesagentur für Arbeit (2022) – Statistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (2022): Tabellen, Beschäftigte nach Wirtschaftszweigen (WZ2008), Stichtag Dezember 2021, WKZ 38 und 39. URL: (Accessed on 13. February 2024).
30 Destatis (2024) URL: Seite 112 (WZ 37-39) (Accessed on 7 February 2024).
31 German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) (2019): Material flow-oriented determination of the contribution of the secondary raw materials industry to the conservation of primary raw materials and the increase of resource productivity. URL: texte_34-2019_sekundaerrohstoffwirtschaft.pdf (Accessed on 14 July 2023).
32 These include the 17 metals of the rare earth group such as neodymium, but also conflict raw materials such as tin, tantalum (coltan), tungsten or even platinum and lithium.
33 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2023). Press release: Mehr Versorgungssicherheit durch Recycling von Metallen und Industriemineralen – Dialogplattform Rohstoffrecycling überreicht Abschlussbericht. URL: (Accessed on 20 Oktober 2023); Dialog platform for recycling raw materials (2023). Abschlussbericht. URL: Dialogplattform Recyclingrohstoffe – Publikationen (Accessed 20 Oktober 2023).
34 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (2023). National Circular Economy Strategy. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).
35Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (2023). National Circular Economy Strategy – Information platform. URL: (Accessed on 1 September 2023).